Thorndon Bowls Club
This month brings the reminiscences of probably our longest serving member of the club. Our second article from members is from June Wright
In 1964 Ted Bailey, who owned the Village Shop and Post Office in Thorndon, invited Peter Wright to play bowls, little did he realise what a journey it was to turn out to be. Peter quickly took to bowls and formed a great friendship with Sonny Garrod from Wetheringsett. In those days there was no ‘formal’ dress wear to play bowls and not many owned their own set of woods. Jack Coy would bring a sack, tip out the bowls and you chose which ones you wanted. Over the next few years they played mostly friendly games with one or two cup games. Peter and Sonny were getting more and more competitive and wanted more for the club. Sonny’s wife Jean, and Peter’s wife June played roll-ups during 1968 and were keen to learn, but there were no facilities so during the winter of ’68 Peter went to Hardwick aerodrome and bought and dismantled an old army hut. The men cleared the site and with Jack Coy’s permission they duly erected the hut to make a pavilion-which is still the basis for today’s clubhouse. In 1969 June and Jean joined as playing members. Calor gas lighting and a small stove were installed and bus seats to sit on-this was a new beginning for the club as June and Jean made sandwiches, teas and coffees and always a crate of beer from the Black Horse for the home matches.
In 1969 Bill Lloyd, a police officer, who lived in the village Police Station gave up his office of secretary to the club and with no-one willing to take on the role Peter said “That’s okay. June can do that”! In June 1970 Ivy Bailey of Thorndon and Margaret Chinery of Thornham joined the club and we now had 23 members including the four ladies. At the end of the 1970 season the club joined the South Norfolk League and affiliated to the SCBA Federation (Suffolk County Bowls Association Federation). In those days few clubs had their own greens but were associated with ‘big’ houses or pubs so Dickleburgh played on the Rectory lawn, Diss Cherry Tree had their lawn, Hoxne Swan also and in front of Bacton Manor.
In 1971 John Rolfe of Kerrison School organised our first club dinner of this era. We had now started club competitions and prizes were given. Also during this season Ken and Irene Emms joined the club. Irene has sadly now passed away but Kenny still lives in Kenninghall. Also at the end of 1971 the late Vic Hearn of Thorndon took over as groundsman with the help of Sonny and Peter and as the club continued to prosper it was decided to start playing open drives on Sundays once a month. These became very popular and helped raise the bank balance so that at the end of 1973 we were able to have electricity installed. In 1974 Jo and Brian Whatling joined us and both became very active bowlers within the club helping with many chores. Jo is still very involved but sadly Brian recently passed away.
With thirty members and getting more and more competitive we joined Stowmarket League and played in several different cup games. The men built a kitchen on the clubhouse which is also still there-albeit updated recently. And we purchased tables and chairs. Also in 1974 we entered Stowmarket ICI Indoor league and Shotford Indoor League. In 1975 we had two great characters join; George Edwards who had a butcher shop in Eye and John Terry who had the chemist shop in Eye. Both retired to Thorndon and what a joy they were to have-never a dull moment! Over the seasons things moved at a rapid pace. The green was levelled as it had a two foot slope and also a pond was filled so we could play with six rinks instead of four one way.
In 1976 we were playing many league and cup games and were beginning to become very successful and so decided to enter the County Junior Cup and during the same year we won the Soames Cup which is no longer played for-but the trophy is still with us! In 1977 we boasted 34 members with Bunny (Bernard) Hayward joining his father Vic, already a member. Bunny still plays an active role within the club teams and competitions. Also Geoff West, late of Thwaite Buck’s Head (now The Walnut Tree) and Don Bentley of Thorndon another great character joined us. Unfortunately Don passed away quite young but there is a bench in his memory at the club which was bought by the Leek Club.
With more members and more ideas the club got even more competitive entering even more competitions. In 1978 David Cattermole joined the club and is our current Chairman (previous member’s story). We now had several ladies and so joined the Ladies Federation giving them the opportunity to enter County Competitions. In 1979 John and Christine Aldous of Thorndon became bowlers and are still showing the youngsters how it can be done. Roy Rich of Thorndon became very friendly with Don and they provided us with many laughs. In 1979 the cub were runners up in the County Junior Cup, playing at Melton St. Audrey’s and losing to Beccles Bowls Club. On the same day we played in the final of the Scammel Cup at Watneys and we won!
The club was now the envy of many clubs because of our bowling and the wonderful friendship we all had; we were one big happy family. Throughout all these years Sonny Garrod and Peter Wright worked tirelessly on the green and laid the basis for what it is today. In 1969 the club had £1.10s.6d (£1.52p) and with all the improvements by the end of 1979 had now got a balance of £558.50p.
June only had this to say about her contribution
During these years June also worked hard for the club organising open drives, whist drives and sales etc.
However it should not be underestimated what her contribution was as secretary, treasurer, top class bowler, mentor and general factotum for the club. How many people will willing serve a village organisation for FIFTY years unpaid I ask? The club’s debt to June is immeasurable and we thank you once again for your commitment and contribution to Thorndon Bowls Club….